Residents have a friend in the City of Fairfax
Residential Lateral GIS Map Of Sewer System
Residential sewer repairs can be expensive, but consider yourself lucky if you happen to reside in the City of Fairfax. The city has launched its Wastewater Lateral Repair and Replacement Program which reimburses residents for expenses paid to repair or replace the sewer lateral within public property using either conventional or trenchless technology. Business and residential customers of the City of Fairfax Wastewater Utility will see an additional charge of $3.00-$4.50 per bill and these funds will be held in escrow to help pay for the reimbursements.
How does one get in on the action? You can start by obtaining at least two quotes from approved contractors including a camera inspection with video and voice, and the house number and pipe section in question. Then fill out the application on the city website and submit along with the CCTV inspection videos. Upon approval, which may be expedited in emergency situations, contact your contractor and begin work. When the project is complete, submit the invoice along with a proof of payment to Wastewater Utility for a partial reimbursement.

Residential Inspection Report
To further assist residents with repairs, the City of Fairfax Housing Corporation (FRHC) is also partnering with MainStreet Bank to offer 24- month 0% interest home improvement loans of up to $250,000. It is certainly refreshing to see a municipality take such a modernistic approach to failing infrastructure and share in the cost of repairs. As we all know, sharing is caring!